My dad gave me
Maps and Legends because he'd read
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay (an essential for next summer's reading list) and loved Michael Chabon's prose style. I did too--at first his unbelieveably long sentences and the occasional archaic word threw me, but I soon adapted and grew to admire the individuality of his writing.
Maps and Legends is a collection of essays--Chabon's first--and one worth reading. The collective theme of the book lies in its subtitle; Michael Chabon is writing in defense of borderlands from literary to ethnic, on which he writes remarkably well, considering his passion for both genre literature and his Jewish heritage. The collection inspired me to add Chabon's first novel,
The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, to both The List and the hold shelf at the library; I hope to continue my foray into Michael Chabon's writing.
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